The Most Versatile HubSpot Theme
Build an awesome website. Increase conversions. Scale your business.

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Design Creatively
Take HubSpot to a completely new level with StudioCanvas and build a high converting website in a fraction of the time
StudioCanvas comes out of the box with amazing features designed to help you get the most out of your website. HubSpot is an amazing tool. Now you can make that tool work even better with an awesome experience and truly kickstart your process.
Drag and Drop
Custom Modules
Built-In Icons
Unlimited Colors
Clone Pages
Password Protect
Use features inside HubSpot to password protect pages and restrict access as needed
The last theme you'll ever need
This free theme comes ready to rock, out of the box!
HubSpot's new drag and drop page editor allows you to quicky and easily add and adjust pages as needed.

And you know what the best part is?
We've got some other free goodies to throw in too!

Awesome Support
Based out of Traverse City, Michigan, we are here day in and day out to help you as needed.
Great Training
After you get access to our theme, you'll receive onboarding emails and training on how to use your website to improve your lead conversions across the board.

First Come, First Serve
You'll also get exclusive first touch access to all the new trainings, themes, and modules we build out as time goes on with our amazing new theme, StudioCanvas.
What are you waiting for!
Get the theme today FOR FREE and get started generating better leads
"John and the team at Web Canopy Studio get what it takes to help companies grow successfully. Their growth-driven design and inbound marketing focus are a best practice-approach to building better businesses."
But what content should you include with this theme?
Well... we happen to be experts at helping out with that. Let's We're happy to help you understand what exactly your website should be telling your audience in order to get them to convert ASAP
Highlight an awesome offer
Make sure to use great sections on your website like this to highlight offers!
Lead generation comes a lot easier if you're giving awesome opportunities to download your content!

Highlight your prospects problems
You will use sections like this to help highlight what your customers are experiencing with you. This is a predefined module set up with 3 columns already. No need to edit anything.
The Biggest Problem
Place information about the problem your prospects are facing and help break down their barriers in these modules
Another Big Problem
Place information about the problem your prospects are facing and help break down their barriers in these modules
A Third Problem
Place information about the problem your prospects are facing and help break down their barriers in these modules
What our clients say
The clean, well-designed templates are extremely helpful for easy landing page creation! I'd highly recommend the landing pages as we continue to use them for multiple campaigns.

The clean, well-designed templates are extremely helpful for easy landing page creation! I'd highly recommend the landing pages as we continue to use them for multiple campaigns.

The clean, well-designed templates are extremely helpful for easy landing page creation! I'd highly recommend the landing pages as we continue to use them for multiple campaigns.

Knowledge Hub
Ready to Grow Your Business?
Use StudioCanvas to get started today!